DiXi Group think tank welcomes the Government’s decision to update the Action Plan implementing the Concept for Development of Ukraine’s Gas Production Industry by 2020.
News for 2018 en
Information contained in ЕІТІ reports is available in the format of open data
From now on, the national Reports of Ukraine within the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative are available in the format of open data. This information was published by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining on the website data.gov.ua.
Olena Pavlenko participated in the energy discussion at the parliament
President of the DiXi Group Analytical Center Olena Pavlenko took part in the round table covering Ukraine’s energy security
Olena Pavlenko joined the discussion on mining reform with an American expert
Тhe President of the DiXi Group Analytical Center Olena Pavlenko participated in a meeting with Edward Chow, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
The Law “On Ensuring Transparency in the Extractive Industries” is adopted
On 18 September, the Law “On Ensuring Transparency in the Extractive Industries” was adopted at the morning session of the Verkhovna Rada in the second reading. 244 MPs voted for the Law, 0 – against, abstained – 3.
DiXi Group Representatives Meet U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Head of the Energy Resources Bureau Francis Fannon
DiXi Group analytical center President Olena Pavlenko and Vice President Anton Antonenko met with the U.S. Assistant Secretary on Energy Resources Francis Fannon. The meeting took place on July 23 at the analytical center’s office. Representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, the American-Ukrainian Business Council and the Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine joined the meeting. The participants discussed the state of reforms in Ukraine’s energy sector.
Olena Pavlenko Joined the Development of Monitoring and Evaluating EITI in Ukraine
President of DiXi Group Think Tank Olena Pavlenko joined the discussion on the methodology for monitoring and evaluating the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Ukraine (EITI). The event was held for members of the Multilateral Stakeholder Group (MSG) and the EITI Secretariat, with the support of GIZ in Ukraine.
DiXi Group is Recognized as One of the Most Transparent Think Tanks of the World
According to the Transparify Financial Transparency rating, DiXi Group Think Tank received 5 stars out of 5 possible. Such a rating indicates that the organization discloses information about all donors, funding amounts, implemented projects, activities and studies.
Minenergo, State Service for Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine and SFS supported project reporting
Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, State Service for Geology and Subsoil, as well as the State Fiscal Service supported the reporting of extractive companies for each project (special permit).