DiXi Group > Аналітика > How you can help Ukraine: 10 ways to strengthen energy security from DiXi Group
10 ways to strengthen UA energy security
Prevent Nord Stream 2 from being certified and launched into commercial operation, as non-compliant with the EU law and creating vulnerabilities for Eastern and Central European energy security – disregarding whether RU invades UA or not.
Support 10-year extension of the transit contract via Ukraine, with 45 bcm minimal annual volumes, inter alia by communicating with companies which buy Russian gas to conclude new contracts with UA-RU interconnections as delivery points. Demand the European Commission to start a new investigation into Gazprom’s anti-competitive practices, as option – also demand RU to lift pipeline export monopoly of Gazprom on all directions and thus liberalize gas trade in the region, to allow independent RU companies and producers from Central Asia to offer gas at UA-RU interconnections.
Create European strategic gas reserves using UA storages with 30.95 bcm capacity, which is largest in Europe, with proven track record of providing reliable services to European traders.
Support creating more firm capacity in UA-SK and UA-PL gas interconnections (as well as TR-BL on the Trans-Balkan route), to enable further diversification of gas imports to UA and developing bidirectional commercial flows, i.e. even closer market integration.
Closely monitor and support UA and MD power systems synchronization with ENTSO-E, take immediate political action in case of any provocative actions from RU and BY to destabilize UA energy sector.
Invest into development of oil&gas reserves in Ukraine to increase domestic gas production.
Facilitate creation of minimum fuel reserves in UA and development of domestic refining capacities to overcome the historical dependency on RU and BY in petroleum, diesel and LPG imports, in case of escalation secure free sea trade to allow fuel imports via seaports;
Help to create minimum stocks of crude oil and petroleum products in Ukraine.
Invest into energy storages and other balancing capacities to increase flexibility of Ukraine’s electricity system.
Provide technical assistance and targeted financial instruments to support decarbonization of Ukraine’s economy, incl. large-scale energy efficiency programs in residential sector. Support development of new capacities of renewables in UA, as well as new support schemes and improvements of power system flexibility to accommodate wider RES roll-out. Create and facilitate R&D partnerships to enable UA hard-to-decarbonize sectors reduce emissions, incl. promotion of hydrogen economy clusters, with subsequent integration into European industrial value chains. DiXi Group, author@dixigroup.org