Weekly analytical report February 8 – 12, 2021 | DiXi Group
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Weekly analytical report February 8 – 12, 2021

In this issue:

  • The government and the parliament are looking for the ways of tightening control over expenses of gas DSOs
  • Amid the critical market conditions, in particular shutdown of units at thermal power plants for emergency repairs and shortage of fuel, the society is looking for instruments of controlling the actions of operators. On the other hand, the EU has expressed concern over electricity imports from Belarus
  • Solution of the problem of debts to RES electricity generating companies is considered mostly via quasi-fiscal transactions, while long-term market mechanisms remain outside the focus of the government
  • The government aims coal phase-out sometime between 2040 and 2070, but for the time being, is forced to cover the deficit of fuel with domestically produced and imported coal
  • The government promises not to change the tariffs for heating and hot water supply look inconsistent, especially amid the expected increase of gas debts owed by district heating companies (DHCs); the solution of this problem was postponed until the end of the heating season

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