Weekly analytical report December 14 – 20, 2020
In this issue:
- Naftogaz received the government’s permission to buy out the company authorized to develop the Yuzivska field, which indicates the continued protectionism: the government attempts to attract powerful foreign investors (on competitive terms) end up with the transfer of fields to the state company… At the same time, positive shifts have occurred with regard to increasing transparency…
- Among this year’s achievements in the Ukrainian gas market, liberalization of retail supply to households is especially noted…
- Structural problems of the wholesale electricity market were already visible even at the initial stage of the new model operation, as illustrated by the recent decisions of the AMCU and courts…
- While the debt owed by Guaranteed Buyer to renewable electricity producers has not been settled yet, the regulator made a controversial decision to introduce an additional charge to cover GB expenses in arbitration, to which those RES producers could be the parties…
- Personnel changes in the government affected the energy sector as well…
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