Weekly analytical report September 7-13, 2020 | DiXi Group
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In this issue:

    • New instruments, including Gasoteka price comparison tool created by DiXi Group, shall help households find out the offers of suppliers in the retail gas market…
    • In light of recent developments, Germany may give up certain projects, including Nord Stream 2, to form the EU ‘one voice’ position on Russia…
    • Intentions of the Ukrainian government to join the European Green Deal will be taken seriously if the fulfilment of current commitments in the fields of energy and climate are duly prioritized…
    • Inter alia, the government got back to the implementation of the National Emissions Reduction Plan for Large Combustion Plants just to make another proposal to postpone it…
    • While declaring support for gas production and restructuring of the coal sector, the government does not support its statements with actions or strategic documents…

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Independent energy educational center


National website of Extractive Industries Transparensy Initiative in Ukraine 


Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy UA-Energy.org” is unique   platform to inform