Weekly analytical report October 12 – 18, 2020 | DiXi Group
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In this issue:

  • Key stakeholders are joining efforts to develop a liquid short-term gas market in Ukraine
  • The regulator is getting closer to gradually setting RAB electricity distribution tariffs despite the resistance from some DSOs
  • The government is beginning to fulfil its declarations concerning transformation of coal regions, but it still has not published a concept of coal sector reform and a transformation program
  • The unexpectedly resurrected project of completing the Khmelnytskyi NPP construction needs a much more thorough development, public discussion and a consolidated position
  • Systemic problems in the heat supply sector unprofitability of most district heating companies (DHCs) and their inability to operate without subsidies again expose the start of heating season to a risk

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Independent energy educational center


National website of Extractive Industries Transparensy Initiative in Ukraine 


Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy UA-Energy.org” is unique   platform to inform