Green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine: vision and models (Summary) | DiXi Group
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Green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine: vision and models (Summary)

This is a

of the policy brief outlining the concept of green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and possible implementation models. It suggests two green reconstruction models: ambitious and pragmatic. Both models provide for sustainable post-war development of Ukraine, as well as green and climate resilient reconstruction of the objects damaged or destroyed by the hostilities.

The publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the project «Mainstreaming sustainable development in Ukraine in line with the European Green Deal».
The project is implemented by a consortium of public organizations: «DiXi Group» (coordinator), Resource-Analytical Center «Society and Environment», Association «Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine», «Ukrainian Leadership Academy», «Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine», «DZYGA», «PLATO».
Its contents are the sole responsibility of NGO «Resource and Analysis Center «Society and the Environment» and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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