Olena Pavlenko at Chatham House event spoke about the gas crisis and energy security | DiXi Group
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Olena Pavlenko at Chatham House event spoke about the gas crisis and energy security

How the war on Ukraine influenced the energy crisis, and whether can Europe remains unified over the long winter – these issues were discussed by international experts at the event on February 2, 2022. The DiXi Group president Olena Pavlenko participated in this discussion organized by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House).

These are key takeaways from  Olena Pavlenko’s speech: gas crisis will speed up the green transition, energy security must be reconsidered (to not allow dependency on Russian gas), the role of Russia in the nuclear sector must be reconsidered, Russia will keep pressure on European countries, especially to start NS2, it is important not to allow this scenario.

«Russia badly damages our infrastructure, so we can get through the winter if there are no strikes and no further damages to the infrastructure – Olena Pavlenko said. – And as of now Ukrainians need support with the generators, with transformers, with other equipment to help our companies to deal faster with damage damages.”

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the global community has been responding to significant price shocks, especially in energy. As Europe heads into a particularly difficult winter, policymakers are grappling with the costs, both political and economic, required to make sure Russian energy blackmail does not succeed. Retaining a unified front against Russia and providing continued support to the Ukrainian government will be great challenges. Providing their people with adequate heat will not come cheaply for governments across the continent at a time of economic uncertainty. This is stated in the post-event message from Chatham House.

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Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy UA-Energy.org” is unique   platform to inform