Priorities for Ukraine’s post-war energy recovery – Summary of the discussion | DiXi Group
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Priorities for Ukraine’s post-war energy recovery

DiXi Group Supervisory Board members have met on April 1, 2022, to highlight the need for stronger support of Ukraine in energy sector, identify immediate steps for ensuring stronger energy security and resilience in the short-term perspective, and discuss priorities for Ukraine’s recovery in the post-war period.

Main points:

  • Security of gas supply and sufficiency of gas reserves for the winter period 2022/2023 will be an important issue not only for Ukraine but for all the EU countries.
  • Liquidity in the electricity market remains a problem for Ukraine.
  • The effective operation of trust/donor funds for post-war reconstruction and further energy reforms requires significant flexibility and simplicity.
  • The issue of leadership among the international donors emerges regarding collecting and directing aid to Ukraine.

DiXi Group supervisory board members:
Janez Kopac, Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Georg Zachmann, Frank Umbach

Download the summary of the discussion

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