Presentation of analytical report “Energy Efficiency in Green Recovery: Best Practices and Opportunities for Ukraine” | DiXi Group
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Presentation of analytical report “Energy Efficiency in Green Recovery: Best Practices and Opportunities for Ukraine”

On September 12th, the DIXI GROUP, together with the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), will present the analytical report “Energy Efficiency in Green Recovery: Best Practices and Opportunities for Ukraine”

In the context of terrorist attacks in the energy arena, when Russia blackmails the civilised world with energy, the issue of reducing dependence on imports of traditional energy resources has become urgent, and energy efficiency has become an integral part of the country’s energy security.

DIXI GROUP, in cooperation with the BPIE, has studied the experience of the European Union and the world’s best practices in the field of energy efficiency in construction and developed a report entitled “Energy Efficiency in Green Recovery: Best Practices and Opportunities for Ukraine“. In this document, the experts highlighted approaches and opportunities that can be successfully implemented in Ukraine during the reconstruction and recovery of the country.

For Ukraine, which is struggling with the war and the subsequent need for large-scale reconstruction, improving energy efficiency is not just a choice, but a necessity to strengthen our energy security.

We invite you to join us in discussing this important issue and exploring ways in which Ukraine can move towards a sustainable and energy efficient future.

Registration for the event:

Date: September 12, 2023
Time: 11 a.m. (Kyiv time)
Venue: Zoom
Language: English-Ukrainian, simultaneous translation


The event was organized with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the project “Supporting the Decarbonization of Ukraine’s Economy through the Development of New Debt Financing Models. Stage 2” and to the support of the American people, provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of the “Transparency of the Energy Sector” project, which is implemented by the NGO “DIXI GROUP”. 

The material reflects the position of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the position of the International Renaissance Foundation, USAID or the US Government.


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