DiXi Group Representative Takes Part in Regional EITI Training in Turkey
Roman Nitsovych, DiXi Group Think Tank program manager, attended a regional workshop on the development of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).
The workshop, which was held in Istanbul on October 13-15, saw representatives of the countries that supported the EITI from Europe (Ukraine, Albania), Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan), and the Middle East (Iraq and Afghanistan). The coaches were representatives of the EITI International Secretariat, World Bank, “Publish What You Pay” public coalition, and the Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI).
“At the event, members of multilateral groups and EITI national coordinators worked out ways to ensure more rapid, accurate, and public disclosure of information related to the extractive industries. The keynote of most discussions held at the workshop was the transition from formal EITI standard reporting to applied results clear and helpful for people,” Roman Nitsovych explained.
Besides DiXi Group, Ukraine at the workshop was represented by Dina Narezhneva , chairman of the National EITI Secretariat, OlesiaNekhoroshko, advisor to the Energy and Coal Industry Minister, and SerhiiKasianchuk, head of the gas, gas condensate and oil extraction and processing department of Naftogaz Ukraine.
The trip of the Ukrainian delegation to the workshop was supported by the International EITI Secretariat, World Bank, and the Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI).
For information: the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an independent and voluntarily supported international transparency standard that is being implemented in 48 countries. One of the key requirements of the EITI is the preparation of an annual report on payments that companies make and revenues derived by the governments of countries from the development of national natural resources.
Ukraine is currently preparing its first EITI report.