DiXi Group discusses in Brussels development of Ukraine’s energy sector | DiXi Group
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DiXi Group discusses in Brussels development of Ukraine’s energy sector

The DiXi Group team presented the analytical report Ukraine and the Association Agreement: a New Season and the areas of its activity to key European stakeholders.

During the meetings in Brussels on 2-4 December, DiXi Group and Energy Reforms coalition experts discussed the fulfillment of Ukraine’s energy- and environment-related commitments under the Association Agreement and the opportunities for cooperation with European institutions.

“Ukraine continues to reform its energy sector, and EU states recognize that as well,” DiXi Group President Olena Pavlenko said after the meetings. “But at the same time, changes made in the “overdrive” mode must, nevertheless, be implemented by observing decision making procedures, including public discussions and publication of draft decisions. Ratification of Annex 27 to the Association Agreement requires greater participation of the European Commission in the adoption of legislation regulating the energy sector, and this mechanism must also be developed and implemented as soon as possible.”

The analytical report Ukraine and the Association Agreement: a New Season was discussed in great detail during the meeting with MEP Ramona-Victoria Strugariu. DiXi Group experts also spoke about the main areas of their organization’s activity and their priorities for 2020. In particular, they spoke about the possibility of expanding the 2019 Energy Transparency Index onto other countries of the region. On her part, Mrs. Strugariu pointed out the preparation of a report by Euronest energy committee. At the end of discussion, the parties have agreed upon cooperation, in particular, on the topic of the region’s energy security (jointly with representatives of the European Parliament), and to exchange information regarding current events in the region’s energy sector.

During the meeting with representatives of the Support Group for Ukraine and the Directorate-General for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, the parties discussed in detail the events in Ukraine’s energy sector and their correlation with provisions of the Association Agreement, including the recently-adopted Annex 27. In addition, the matter of efficient monitoring and benchmarking in the region’s energy sector was touched upon. In this context, a presentation of the 2019 Energy Transparency Index was held and the parties exchanged opinions regarding the possibility of expanding it onto the whole or a part of the Eastern Partnership region.

A monitoring report concerning the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement was presented to representatives of the Directorate-General for Energy. In addition, the discussion touched upon possible cooperation, particularly with regard to data gathering, systemization and subsequent analysis. A separate meeting with a Directorate-General for Energy representative discussed details of the monitoring report concerning the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, development of Ukraine’s energy sector and performance of the energy regulator. In addition, opinions were exchanged concerning implementation of the recently-adopted Annex 27. During the meeting, ideas were voiced as regards the possibility of improving the work on implementing the said Annex and the continuing partnership.

DiXi Group representatives also attended a meeting of the Ukraine-EU Platform, where they discussed the final text of the joint Declaration. In particular, this document addresses the matters of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the energy sector, continuing trilateral gas talks, and further integration of Ukrainian markets into EU markets. Despite lengthy debates, the delegates were able to agree upon the final version of the Declaration and preapprove it.

The meetings also discussed the concept of Kyiv School of Energy Policy to be implemented by DiXi Group. Representatives of the Council of European Energy Regulators shared their own educational initiatives and spoke about trainings and seminars for representatives of regulatory agencies. At the end of discussions, they expressed the opinion concerning possible cooperation aimed to supplement and improve training processes.

During the meeting with Charles Esser, Secretary General of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), the parties discussed in detail the performance of the Ukrainian energy regulator. In addition, they discussed Energy Online mobile app, its functions and further development. CEER representatives showed serious interest in the mobile app and said that the New Energy Package envisages certain obligations regarding price comparison instruments.

The mobile app was also presented to Annette Jantzen, Secretary General of the National Energy Ombudsmen Network (NEON). During the discussion, she expressed interest in creating a similar mobile app for energy markets of other countries and in expanding the mobile app’s functional to better pursue consumer interests. In addition, the parties discussed NEON’s agenda, in particular, consumer protection mechanisms in the New Energy Package, energy poverty and data management.


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Independent energy educational center


National website of Extractive Industries Transparensy Initiative in Ukraine 


Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy UA-Energy.org” is unique   platform to inform

Our platforms


Independent energy educational center


National website of Extractive Industries Transparensy Initiative in Ukraine 


Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy UA-Energy.org” is unique   platform to inform