Federal Chancellery Ex-Chief of Staff Visited Ukraine
Former Chief of Staff of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Affairs Ronald Pofalla, who chairs the Petersburg Dialog since May 2015, visited Kyiv on 24 – 25 October 2016. The goal of the visit was to meet with Ukrainian politicians, learn about the current political situation in Ukraine and the activities of Ukrainian civil society. Among other things, Ronald Pofalla met with members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and representatives of non-governmental organizations and think tanks.
In order to learn more about the current political situation in Ukraine and activities of Ukrainian civil society, Ronald Pofalla on 24 – 25 October 2016 held meetings with Ukrainian politicians in Kyiv. A member of the Board of German Railway Company, Deutsche Bahn AG, responsible for economy, law and regulation visited Ukraine in his capacity of the chairman of the German Steering Committee of the Petersburg Dialog. The Petersburg Dialog, which is a discussion forum, is aimed at facilitating mutual understanding between civil societies of Germany and Russia and the discussion of critical issues.
According to the web-site of the Representative Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ukraine, Ronald Pofalla also met with representatives of civil society – a co-founder of non-governmental organization “KrymSOS”, a representative of the coalition of NGOs and experts “Reanimation Package of Reforms”, an expert of CEDOS Think Tank company, a gender equality activist, and Vice-President of DiXi Group think tank Anton Antonenko. During the meeting, representatives of the aforementioned organizations discussed various topics – starting from the present achievements in the implemented reforms and reforms that have to be implemented, and finishing with the need to improve anti-discriminative legislation and monitoring of human right violations in Crimea. The former Chief of Staff of the Federal Chancellery acknowledged the impressive commitment of non-governmental organizations and civil society activists of Ukraine, which is “a manifestation of an open civil society”.
The visit of the Chair of the Board of the Petersburg Dialog, Ronald Pofalla, was organized within the framework of active cooperation among the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Heinrich Böll Foundation, and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine.
Based on the materials on the web-siteof the Representative office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ukraine