DiXi Group and UkraineInvest sign a memorandum of cooperation: a step towards Ukraine’s green recovery
DiXi Group Think Tank and UkraineInvest, the Government Office for Investment Attraction and Support, have signed a memorandum of cooperation aimed at strengthening Ukraine’s investment attractiveness in green projects and decarbonisation.
The agreement lays the groundwork for cooperation in the implementation of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) and a number of innovative initiatives. The key implementer of these developments will be the Green Transition Office, an independent advisory body under the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, which is funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development and implemented by DiXi Group.
The memorandum covers several strategic aspects:
- Promoting green projects on the international stage. The joint work is aimed at attracting investors and donors to finance long-term initiatives in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and emissions reduction.
- Project analysis and preparation. DiXi Group and the Green Transition Office in particular provide expertise in identifying green priorities and adapting projects to the needs of investors, while UkraineInvest provides support and communication with potential partners.
- International roadshow. Presentations are planned in London and Stockholm to present key initiatives and engage stakeholders in their support.
Olena Pavlenko, President of DiXi Group, said: “The possibility of cooperation in this area is extremely important. We are implementing several projects related to the green recovery of Ukraine. One of them is advocating for a ‘climate debt’ solution that allows us to allocate funds for green projects. This cooperation will help promote such initiatives internationally.”
The Green Transition Office, which operates under the auspices of DiXi Group, will be the key implementer of the signed agreements. Andrii Kitura, DiXi Group’s Development Director and Head of the Green Transition Office, said: “We are trying to create a bridge between green projects and funding sources. At the same time, it is important to work on the quality of projects and their communication with investors.”
Меморандум передбачає не лише стратегічну взаємодію, а й конкретні кроки для запуску зелених ініціатив, зокрема підготовку до міжнародного роудшоу та активну комунікацію з донорами.
Співпраця між DiXi Group і UkraineInvest має на меті підвищити інвестиційну привабливість України та сприяти інтеграції до глобальних кліматичних ініціатив.
За словами виконуючого обов’язки виконавчого директора UkraineInvest Олександра Мельниченка: «Наше завдання – залучення інвестора із значними інвестиціями, перш за все, у сфери економіки, визначені законом. На це має бути спрямована наша спільна промоція України як привабливого для іноземного інвестора європейського інвестиційного майданчика»
Ця угода стане важливим кроком у формуванні нової інвестиційної культури в Україні, де зелені проєкти є основою стійкого розвитку.