Opening access to geodata as well as simplifying the process of obtaining permits may significantly improve the business climate in Ukraine. It will be much easier for potential investors to objectively evaluate attractiveness of staring an extractive business in Ukraine and its possible scale, otherwise they will choose countries with more advantageous and simpler working environment.
Thus, Ukraine needs not only to comprehend the problem, i.e. access to geodata, but also to engage in active work to at least approach the performance indicators of the leading countries.
Open Data means information that may be freely used and modified by any person for any purposes. The key criteria for such Open Data are openness, accessibility and interoperability, i.e. possibility of interaction among various systems and databases.
Each year, the global trend of disclosure of information in the Open Data format reaches more and more countries, be it private companies or public institutions. Only the EU market size of Open Data-based products and services reached approximately EUR 51 billion in 2016 and, according to the estimates, it will increase up to 64%, i.e. to EUR 83.5 billion in 2020.
Total Open Data Market Size in the EU