Weekly analytical report: February 05 – February 11
In this issue:
– Continued reforms of the the gas market, namely resolving the issues of payments, could increase the interest of potential partners in the TSO business;
– The Russian pipeline projects face legal, market and financial challenges due to their purely political nature;
– Despite attempts to regulate fuel prices using administrative methods, the main factors remain the world oil prices and the exchange rate.
You can purchase subscription for the DiXi Group weekly analytical report. Every week during the year you will receive analytical piece which reflects key events and trends in energy policy of Ukraine and the region. After purchase please contact us at uaenergy@gmail.com to start receiving the reports.
Weekly analytical report is a snapshot of key events in the energy sector of Ukraine and the region. Important developments, major political and business statements in the areas of gas, oil, electricity, renewables, and utility services. Maximum of the selected information just on few pages.
Full version is available for sale.
Contact: uaenergy@gmail.com