Weekly analytical report 13 – 19 May, 2020
In this issue:
– Despite the difficult situation in the energy sector, the government continues to develop the long-awaited anti-crisis measures…
– The government’s new vision concerning transformation of coal regions should not contradict the policy towards “green” transition defined by a number of Ukraine’s international commitments and the intention to join the European Green Deal…
– Despite the statements on approximation of positions of the government and investors, the expected decisions concerning the balancing of financial and technical consequences of growing “green” generation have not been agreed yet…
– Decision makers continue to discuss balancing limits and the market role of nuclear power…
– Internal transformation of Naftogaz Group revealed conflict lines among the company’s top management…
– The decision of the German regulatory authority concerning Nord Stream 2 can be considered an interim victory strengthening the position of Ukraine as a transit country; however, preventing completion of the pipeline’s construction remains the priority…
– Amid the declining global demand for oil and its transit via Ukraine, new opportunities for the potential of Ukrainian oil pipelines emerge; however, they need legislative regulation
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