What is the Resource Governance Index?The 2017 RGI assesses how 89 resource-rich countries govern their oil, gas and mineral wealth.
The 2017 RGI assesses how 89 resource-rich countries govern their oil, gas and mineral wealth.
The index composite score is made up of three components. Two measure key characteristics of the extractives sector – value realization and revenue management – and a third captures the broader context of governance — the enabling environment. These three overarching dimensions of governance consist of 14 subcomponents, which are calculated by aggregating external data and 149 questions.
Independent researchers, overseen by NRGI, in each of the 89 countries completed a questionnaire to gather primary data on value realization and revenue management. For the third component, the RGI draws on external data from over 20 international organizations. The assessment covers the period 2015-2016.
Ukraine’s oil and gas sector scores a weak 49 of 100 points and ranks 44th among 89 assessments in the 2017 Resource Governance Index (RGI). Satisfactory performance in the value realization component is offset by poor performance in the revenue management component. Ukraine ranks fourth among nine countries in the Eurasia region covered in the Index, following Mongolia, Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic. Ukraine performs best in the value realization component, with a satisfactory score of 61 of 100 points, and worst in revenue management, with a poor score of 40 of 100 points. Ukraine’s enabling environment score of 45 of 100 points is due to political instability and failing control of corruption.