Weekly analytical report 9–15 December, 2019
In this issue:
– The preservation of PSO and price regulation in the gas market distorts the market situation…
– Ukrainian officials have different forecasts concerning negotiations on the new gas transit contract…
– The issue of financial imbalances in the electricity market caused by renewable generation is gradually moving to the legislative field…
– Ukraine declares ambitious plans regarding transition to low-carbon energy…
– Public authorities responsible for policymaking or regulating the energy sector remain insufficiently transparent – The Energy Transparency Index 2019…
You can purchase subscription for the DiXi Group weekly analytical report. Every week during the year you will receive analytical piece which reflects key events and trends in energy policy of Ukraine and the region.
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Weekly analytical report is a snapshot of key events in the energy sector of Ukraine and the region. Important developments, major political and business statements in the areas of gas, oil, electricity, renewables, and utility services. Maximum of the selected information just on few pages.
Full version is available for sale. Contact: uaenergy@gmail.com