Weekly analytical report 2–8 December, 2019
In this issue:
– The gas negotiations stood still in expectation of a political decision, but the Normandy Format summit did not yield final decisions…
– In the extractive sector, the government is trying to solve the problem of “sleeping licenses” using fiscal methods…
– The electricity market shows positive trends, in particular towards increasing competition in the day-ahead market and a ban on imports from Russia, but at the same time, the room for manual regulation becomes wider…
– The draft law on harmonization of the NEURC status with the Constitution poses risk to a number of issues, and therefore requires significant improvement before second reading…
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Weekly analytical report is a snapshot of key events in the energy sector of Ukraine and the region. Important developments, major political and business statements in the areas of gas, oil, electricity, renewables, and utility services. Maximum of the selected information just on few pages.
Full version is available for sale. Contact: uaenergy@gmail.com