DiXi Group > Аналітика > DiXi Group Alert: the protocol on Russian gas transit fixed compromises but raised additional questions
DiXi Group Alert: the protocol on Russian gas transit fixed compromises but raised additional questions
Government of Ukraine
the protocol signed by representatives of the EU, Ukraine and Russia as well as companies of these countries (Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC, NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine”, Gazprom PJSC).The document sets out the parties’ coordinated political agreement on the conditions of Russian gas transit through Ukraine from January 1, 2020. This arrangement is to be implemented by companies that need to enter into relevant agreements.Given the dynamics of future negotiations, DiXi Group think tank considers it reasonable to make the following recommendations
Despite multiple political statements supporting the European Green Deal and announced plans for the development of a joint with the EU Roadmap, Ukraine is moving in an opposite direction. These are the results of Energy Policy Tracker
The practice of procuring special extraction permits and then sitting idle on them for decades is unacceptable from the viewpoint of Ukraine’s energy independence and national security, raising budget revenues and the country’s investment attractiveness.
The EITI Board acknowledged Ukraine’s efforts concerning disclosure of beneficial ownership information, creation of an online EITI reporting portal, and the launch of EITI implementation monitoring and assessment at national level.
Transparency is one of the key prerequisites for effective economic and market development, open competition, fair pricing, and formulation of balanced policy and regulation. Better information openness is also a safeguard against corruption.