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Yuliia Oharenko

expert of the DiXi Group project “Promoting Ukraine's Participation in the European Green Deal in the fields of energy and environment”

Ukraine Follows a Fossil Fuel Recovery Pathway

Despite multiple political statements supporting the European Green Deal and announced plans for the development of a joint with the EU Roadmap, Ukraine is moving in an opposite direction. These are the results of Energy Policy Tracker

The “Augean stables” of the extractive sector: is there any progress?

The practice of procuring special extraction permits and then sitting idle on them for decades is unacceptable from the viewpoint of Ukraine’s energy independence and national security, raising budget revenues and the country’s investment attractiveness.

Olha Polunina

Manager for Sustainable Development at DiXi Group

Ukraine improves its ranking under the EITI Standard

The EITI Board acknowledged Ukraine’s efforts concerning disclosure of beneficial ownership information, creation of an online EITI reporting portal, and the launch of EITI implementation monitoring and assessment at national level.

Bohdan Serebrennikov

Manager on consultancy and analytical services

Energy Transparency Index 2020: International Dimension

In 2020, we present the results of the first such research for the three Eastern Partnership countries – Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.

Bohdan Serebrennikov

Manager on consultancy and analytical services

International Energy Transparency Index 2020: sector openness test – positive or negative?

Transparency is one of the key prerequisites for effective economic and market development, open competition, fair pricing, and formulation of balanced policy and regulation. Better information openness is also a safeguard against corruption.

Anastasia Synytsia

DiXi Group Junior Analyst

Nord Stream 2 and sanctions: what to expect?

Political consensus is a shaky phenomenon, but beginning from December of last year the matter of sanctions against the Russian gas pipeline project became an exemplary implementation of bipartisan and bicameral consensus in the United States. So, what does the sanction “package” consist of now and what does it mean for Nord Stream 2?

Daryna Kulaha

DiXi Group Junior Analyst

The Decarbonization Fund may become a powerful instrument, but all depends on the revenue

Overall, the Energy Ministry’s proposal is essentially a step in the right direction, because it actually has the purpose of spending the greenhouse gas emission charge specifically on reducing emissions of those very greenhouse gases, thus performing a stimulating role in the transition to the “green” economy.

Olha Polunina, Rimma Kushtym

DiXi Group Manager for Sustainable Development, DiXi Group consultant

Would the parliament block reform of industrial pollution control?

The government draft law states that the BATM conclusions approval procedure is set by the Cabinet of Ministers. The alternative draft law proposes to define the BATM conclusions approval procedure in a separate law of Ukraine...

Roman Nitsovych, Serhii Yevtushok

DiXi Group Research Director, DiXi Group External Analyst

Reform of the Coal Industry is Once Again on the Path of Subsidizing

There is a clear tendency to reduce the volume of production, increase the cost of extracted coal, which in turn leads to unprofitable state-owned mines, which accumulate debts for years...

Daryna Kulaha

Junior analyst DiXi Group

The government’s intentions to postpone EU environmental requirements are unlikely to receive the foreign partners’ support

The Ministry of Energy has recently resumed work on the implementation of the National Emissions Reduction Plan for Large Combustion Plants (the NERP), but soon proposed to postpone its implementation.



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Independent energy educational center


National website of Extractive Industries Transparensy Initiative in Ukraine 


Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy UA-Energy.org” is unique   platform to inform

Our platforms


Independent energy educational center


National website of Extractive Industries Transparensy Initiative in Ukraine 


Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy UA-Energy.org” is unique   platform to inform