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The publication of the traditional DiXi Group Weekly is temporarily suspended, instead, the DiXi Group alert “Russia’s war against Ukraine: the energy dimension” is published in a daily format.
(see all issues)

The report on the current situation in Ukraine’s energy sector is prepared on the basis of carefully checked and analyzed reports from more than 100 official primary sources.

The document reflects the consequences of Russia’s attacks on the energy system, supply interruptions, and resumptions, government and Ukrainian business countermeasures, key statements by politicians and companies in the fields of gas, oil, electricity, renewables, and utility services.

If you would like to receive a document covering key news and trends in the energy sector of Ukraine by e-mail, please send a request to

In order to the improvement of methodology and update the design, the publication of the weekly review may be postponed.


Ukraine will fully disclose extraction contracts according to the EITI Standard

Olha Polunina

Manager for Sustainable Development at DiXi Group

Ukraine will fully disclose extraction contracts according to the EITI Standard

The major achievement of the adopted amendments is the legislative requirement to fully disclose all contracts between extractive companies and the government

Disclosure of resource extraction contracts is important for Ukraine’s compliance with international environmental conventions

Olha Polunina

Manager for Sustainable Development

Disclosure of resource extraction contracts is important for Ukraine’s compliance with international environmental conventions

Ukraine has time until July 2022 to submit a plan of action, including a time schedule, and until October 2023 to provide a detailed progress report.

Ukraine Follows a Fossil Fuel Recovery Pathway

Yuliia Oharenko

expert of the DiXi Group project “Promoting Ukraine's Participation in the European Green Deal in the fields of energy and environment”

Ukraine Follows a Fossil Fuel Recovery Pathway

Despite multiple political statements supporting the European Green Deal and announced plans for the development of a joint with the EU Roadmap, Ukraine is moving in an opposite direction. These are the results of Energy Policy Tracker

The “Augean stables” of the extractive sector: is there any progress?

The “Augean stables” of the extractive sector: is there any progress?

The practice of procuring special extraction permits and then sitting idle on them for decades is unacceptable from the viewpoint of Ukraine’s energy independence and national security, raising budget revenues and the country’s investment attractiveness.

Ukraine improves its ranking under the EITI Standard

Olha Polunina

Manager for Sustainable Development at DiXi Group

Ukraine improves its ranking under the EITI Standard

The EITI Board acknowledged Ukraine’s efforts concerning disclosure of beneficial ownership information, creation of an online EITI reporting portal, and the launch of EITI implementation monitoring and assessment at national level.


Our platforms

Independent energy educational center

National website of Extractive Industries Transparensy Initiative in Ukraine

Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy” is unique   platform to inform

Our platforms

Independent energy educational center

National website of Extractive Industries Transparensy Initiative in Ukraine

Information and analitical website “Ukrainian Energy” is unique   platform to inform